20 years. That’s how long we’ve been building eCommerce sites for small mom-and-pop shops and massive enterprises alike. We love WordPress and WooCommerce, but the premium extension ecosystem is broken.
We just want to help more store owners sell, without selling our soul. We have an incredibly high value on simplicity, elegance, and craftsmanship. Simpull doesn’t aim to solve every problem – but the ones we tackle, we want to solve really well.
The Big Idea
Have you ever used a WooCommerce site that had a dozen plugins, all of them doing 10,000 things, and none of them doing any of particularly well? We have, too.
Maybe you logged in to your WooCommerce site, only to be bombarded with ads for premium upsells and other offerings from half a dozen extension authors? Honestly? It can be overwhelming.
Simpull is a refreshingly simple product incubator for WooCommerce stores. We listen to you. We build accordingly. Beautiful code and interfaces. Functionality that just works. Stellar support, engineering craftsmanship and revolutionary pricing.
How Does Pricing Work?
Naturally, Simpull pricing should be, well, simple. We love helping folks migrate away from closed platforms like Shopify to open platforms like WooCommerce. We do this, in part, based on the promise that when their eCommerce dreams do really well, they won’t have costs spiraling out of control.
Unfortunately, with cobbled together functionality across a widely broken and disparately integrated ecosystem, this is rarely the case. To solve simple issues, store owners often end up spending hundreds or thousands of dollars in annual fees for half-baked plugins and nights filled with regret.
Our pricing is simple – you’re not allowed to spend more than $365/year with us. We simply (or is it simpully?) won’t allow it.
We’ll keep solving problems in clean, beautiful code and interfaces built for humans, and versions of WordPress from this decade. If you need to buy one of our $20 or $30 plugins and that gets you where you need to be – fantastic.
Maybe you’ve got big dreams and big problems, and you need to grab five or six of our $99 plugins to do what needs doing? Cool, you get it all for $1/day.
We want to help folks like you sell better, without selling our souls. No high pressure pricing psychology. No crazy sales and constant pop-ups.
Simpull is a product incubator for the people.
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